How to Fix Scratches on Plastic Sunglasses Frames and Lenses?

Although most standard-order prescription glasses and sunglasses come up with a protective coating, making your glasses somewhat resistant to the wear and tear that is inevitable with daily usage, it is still not impossible to get scratches on your plastic sunglass lenses, because these can also bypass the coating in many cases. Note that not all scratches can be completely removed. If you find your glass with too many deep-seated scratches on the lens, it would take anything between four and six hours of toil to try and alleviate them to an extent. That said, there are a couple of home remedies you can attempt if you don’t want to turn them into the glass store just yet. The classic solution is to use a microfiber cloth that usually comes as a complimentary add-on when you purchase glasses to gently apply a non-abrasive, i.e. sensitive toothpaste to the glass. Note that you will first need to clean your glasses with cold water first. Alternately, you can also try to...