
Showing posts with the label Ray Ban Scratch Removal

Restoring the Color and Shine of Your Ray Ban Sunglasses

  Ray Ban sunglasses are not just a fashion statement; they invest in style and eye protection. Over time, however, the vibrant colors and pristine shine that make Ray Bans iconic can fade due to exposure to sunlight, scratches, and everyday wear. But fear not! Restoring the color and brightness of your Ray Ban sunglasses is a satisfying DIY project that can breathe new life into your shades and extend their longevity.   In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to bring back the luster and vibrancy of your Ray Ban sunglasses, helping you achieve that fresh-out-of-the-store look without breaking the bank. Materials You'll Need: Mild soap or dish detergent Soft microfiber cloth Warm water Baking soda (optional) Clear nail polish (for minor scratches) Toothpaste (for plastic frames) Metal polish (for metal frames) UV-resistant clear coat spray (optional) Step 1: Cleaning the Frames Start by gently wiping the frames with a