Top 4 Ray Ban Repairs That You Can Try at Home

If your Ray Ban sunglasses are broken from temples, bridges, or lenses. You can try following steps to do your Ray Ban repairs at home with a DIY repair kit. HOW DO YOU REPLACE TEMPLE TIPS? These steps are easy to follow: Remove the terminals. You will need to bend the terminals so they stay straight. It will allow you to remove them easily. Install the new ones. Install them in the same manner as the ones that took out. The new tips can be bent. We need to bend the tips by hand because the old ones have been inserted flat. Done! HOW DO YOU REPLACE A BRIDGE? These steps are quick and easy to follow for sunglasses bridge replacement. Unscrew the bridge Seal the replacement and make it available The new one is in Done! HOW DO YOU CHANGE TEMPLES? You should use a 3-in-1 screwdriver. Take out screw 84, which holds the temple to its front. Take down the old temple. Place the new temple correctly (as shown in the video) and insert the screw. Turn the screw tight. We can ad...