How to Repair Sunglasses & Maintain Them?

Sunglasses Repair


If one wear sunglasses there are chances that they have been in a nasty situation of breaking the glasses. It may have happened if someone stepped on them, they fell onto something hard, the dog ate them or numerous reasons as such.  Doesn’t matter how it happened there are many ways to fix the broken sunglasses instead of buying a new one.

Ways to Repair Sunglasses

Dropped, squashed, stretched, and bent. Sunglasses have a tough time and it's always more expensive to buy a new pair than repair. Here's how to keep the shades working at least until you can have them fixed by a pro.

Tightening Screws

Sunglasses have small screws to hold the top and bottom parts of the frame strongly around the lens. These screws are also used to keep the nose pads in place. These screws can loosen over time hence you need to tighten them periodically. Because of their dinky little size, you will need a dinky little screwdriver with a very small head. A magnifying lens will be very useful. If you have lost the missing screw, you can easily buy the correct replacement from the opticians - or remove one from an old pair.

Adjusting and Replacing Nose Pads

Sometimes the nose pads just screw in, some slide in, and some simply snap in. Replacing each type takes no time at all.

Screw-In: You just need to unscrew the old nose pad, remove it, align the new one, and carefully screw it back in, using mild pressure. You need to be careful not to scratch the lenses or the frame. Be sure to put the screw in a safe place so it doesn’t get lost.

Snap-On: You just need to place your thumb over the lens with the thumbnail resting over the padded arm. Using a butter knife, gently pop the pad off by sliding the knife between the thumbnail and the pad, and then twist the knife. Then you just need to snap the new pad right in.

Slide-In: Make sure to support the lens, bridge, and pad arm, you just simply slide the pad out and then slide the new one in. It’s that simple.

Adjusting Arms

Adjusting the arms of a sunglass can easily be done, but it’s much easier for metal than for plastic frames.

Plastic Frames: If you want to adjust the arms of a pair of plastic frames, you just need to soften the plastic. Heating them gently will soften the material and allow make it easy to bend the arms back and front.

Metal Frames: For Metal Frames all you need is a flat surface, soft cloth, and needle-nose pliers. With a soft cloth on the frames and the pliers clamped over the cloth near the source of the bend, you need to make small, incremental adjustments bit by bit, bending the arm back into place.

Adjusting Lenses

Lenses may be held in a solid plastic frame or in a metal frame held together with a small screw. Metal frames can be repaired with a screw or, temporarily, with wire. If a plastic frame has not broken, you can snap the lens back into place by pushing it firmly into the frame, usually from the reverse side. It’s that simple and easy.


Sunglass lenses become dirty with daily wear. You always take them off and put them back on, so they’re bound to get smudged. Keeping your shades polished is always recommended you can use simple warm running water to clean the lenses and then put a drop of soap onto the lenses and then rub the sunglasses gently. Then rinse the sunglass delicately and then dry them with a lint-free cloth.


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