How to Check if Your Ray-Ban Sunglasses are Original or Not?


Ray-Ban is one of the most coveted brands in the world of sunglasses. Because of their high demands, many unauthorized vendors and dealers are making replicas which might get tough for anyone, who does not know how to check the authenticity of such glasses. Going by the looks, if you are not a Pro Ray-Ban sunglass buyer then you might not be able to differentiate the replicas from the original ones. However, the following things would help you to identify the originality of Ran Ban sunglasses and would help you to make a smart buying choice.

The first trick is attention to detail. Observe the tiniest details starting from the sunglass pouch to the side of the frame. This helps a lot in identifying the authenticity of the brand. You should also look for the recycling symbol that comes on the box. 

All the original products come with packaging that has a logo on it and if that is missing, then the authenticity of the brand is questionable.

Also, check for any spelling mistakes as that would indicate that the brand you are buying is not an authentic and original sunglass brand.

My Ray-Bans are very old plastic frames, I have broken them today. Is it possible to get them repaired?

Ray-Ban is one of the most famous sunglass brands that are famous all around the globe. And it is understandable that if you break the frame by accident then you would wish to repair it. But things become a little tricky when you are using an age-old plastic frame.

Firstly, the plastic frames are brittle and hence they are very much likely to break.

Secondly, as the frames are old, hence the glasses wear away with time.

Hence the best thing for you to do would be rather than go for repairing your plastic frame; you can go for a similar frame to save your lenses. The newly made frames are not only super stylish but are also equally durable. You can use the new ones without any worry for a longer time. Repairing the frame would also not guarantee durability.


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