Eyeglass Repair and Scratch Removal Guide

Eyeglass Repair

An Introduction to The Need For Eyeglasses
Quite a lot of people around the entire world are suffering from some form of optical maladies, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, both afflictions which can be solved with a pair of Eyeglasses. Indeed, Eyeglasses have become some of the most required medical aids in the world, and over time have even evolved into a sort of fashion statement, as quite a lot of people get their eyeglasses customized with chosen materials, enhancements, studs into the frame, and other such accessories used in the frames.
Eyeglass Repair: An Immediate Desire and Need
Eyeglasses restore your vision so that you can see everything properly, and this one fact makes them quite important for those who have been prescribed eyeglasses. This means that if your eyeglasses have been damaged in any way, repairing them should be, and probably is, one of your urgent priorities. There are many types of accidents that can happen with glasses, and while these may seem unrepairable unless you visit an optician, you can also do your eyeglass repair at home also with the proper tool.
What Are Some Common Accidents?
Two of the most common accidents that can happen with glasses involve the frames and lens damage respectively. Read on to find out about two of the most common accidents with glasses, and how you can fix them:
The Problem: Lens Scratches
The first, and most common, scenario is that the lenses are scratched, which impedes vision quite a lot. Lens scratches, though removable, are quite hard to get rid of, and need special chemicals which can fill in the groove made by scratch.
The Solution: Using Common Chemicals
A Lens Scratch can be easily fixed with a bottle of non-abrasive toothpaste, and a soft wool cloth (cotton cloths can also be used). All you have to do is take some toothpaste on the cloth and rub the scratched lens in circular motions for a little bit of time. If the scratch is very stubborn, it may take five minutes. Keep rubbing it until the scratch is gone, and your eyeglasses are fixed!
The Problem: Broken Frames
The second scenario is that through a physical accident, such as dropping the glasses, you broke your frames. Broken frames, though seeming serious, are quite easy to fix, with quite a lot of methods available for fixing them, with one of the most well-known methods for fixing them being using soldering methods to join the broken pieces.
How to Fix It: Soldering Techniques
Soldering is known in the professional world to be one of the most useful methods, as soldering can help you fix a variety of objects and items. A metal, with some of the most common ones being Silver and related alloys, is liquidized by the soldering tool. Just hold the two (or more) pieces of the broken frame together, and apply the solder at each broken point (if there is more than one single break).
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